North American Crow
Artwork, Beauchamp, Birds, Drawing, Illustration, Professional Artist, Uncategorized

I have always loved Crows. Everything about them. The chattering talk between a couple Crows sitting in the same tree but a distance apart. Just staying in touch. Andrew Wyeth’s image of a couple of Crows nailed to a woodshed… Both the pencil drawings and the paintings. Stuffed crows in a nature museum on display […]

via Very smart, mischievous, tool using creatures… that fly. — DRAWING Board

4 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks KT, I’m really fond of crows. An interestingly, socially antagonizing, spirit in black with wings. I wish somebody would write me a little account of a Crow incident in their life. The iridescence of the reflected sunlight on their feathers… Not unlike light reflecting off of the grooves of an LP Record… Lots to think about with crows. Would also have been an interesting national bird. I like them.


  2. When I was first getting going in Illustration, I drew a Victorian House that was given to a friend at the time, Jim Wolhgemuth. On the roof of that house are a few Crows. Crows just belong.


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